Bulb Project Resources
Spring 2025 Activities!
We have created some fun activities based around the question: "When will our daffodils flower?"
Make your own scientific hypothesis based on the data sent in so far by schools! Look at the bar charts and line graph to interpret the data. You could go through the PowerPoint with your Super Scientists together and then challenge them with our Kahoot Challenge!
For more activities head over to: https://museum.wales/learn/spring-bulbs-for-schools/
Bulb Project Board Game

Each player is a daffodil bulb that has been planted at your school. Your objective is to be the first bulb to flower by reaching the Finish stone. Along the way you might pick up some cards that will help you to grow or slow you down.
This is a fun way to get talking about the different factors that affect the growth of your bulbs. You can download the board and cards for printing below. You will also need one six-sided die and a counter for each player (recommended 2-6 players).
Schools taking part in the Bulb Project will receive a printed copy of the board game and cards. They will be included with the resources received the first time they take part.
If you would like to download a printer-friendly version of the board game, please find it linked below. This version is in black and white to save on ink, but it could be coloured in!