Science Venues Map
The following is a map of companies that schools have visited as part of their science projects. However the Edina Trust encourages schools to do their own research to find the science provider that best meets their needs. Other science providers would be considered for funding through the Science Grant Scheme.
For further information on these providers please follow the link to our science provider spreadsheet:
Science Close Up Kit
Developed by Edina, each kit contains graticulated lenses that can be used for close observation and accurate measurement of small items. The lenses provide an opportunity to practise small scale measurement, and have strong cross-curricular links with mathematics and science.
These free kits are on offer to select primary schools
Click the button to find out more

Science Experiments
Hands-On Science Experiment Ideas
The Edina Trust has created the following for experiment ideas (please click the photos to download):
Other Science Providers' Experiment Ideas
The Royal Institution has created a series of short films making it fun, easy and cheap to do science experiments with children. Visit their website at for more ideas to develop cost effective science lessons.
Evolution and Inheritance
Reebops are model animals that can be used to demonstrate inheritance! Take a look at SSERC's bulletin about how you can use them in the classroom:
SSERC Primary Bulletin - Reebops

Book Corner
We are collecting a list of recommended primary and early years science books. These books could inspire a science project at your school or nursery!
If you are applying for the Science Grant Scheme we are happy for schools to spend up to £200 on books. However please check if they can be covered by your school budget first, in which case you could spend that part of the grant on more hands-on science resources!